Drive Celadon

Announcing the Osborn Local Performance Bonus

As of August 3, Osborn Local drivers will be eligible for a performance bonus based on their driver scorecard.

The scorecard program is a way to make a more money—but it can only help, not hurt. You will never be penalized for not meeting the bonus requirements. Tier 1 and Tier 2 drivers will receive their bonus payout in December. While Tier 3, 4, and 5 drivers are not eligible, they will receive tips for improving their scorecard in the future.

You will be scored 70% on availability and 30% on compliance.

Availability will be scored 40% on lost availability and 60% on load response.

Compliance will be scored based on idle time.

You can check your Driver Portal at to check your score.

To see the original performance eligibility requirements, read the Performance Bonus Lowdown here:

Keep in mind that Osborn Local drivers are scored differently than those eligible for other scorecard performance bonuses (Celadon Over-The-Road, Expedited, and Temperature Controlled fleet drivers.) However, they have the chance to receive just as much money!

Have questions? Contact your DM or call Driver Experience at 844-235-2366.